About Me

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I am a Christian wife and mother. I work outside the home full time but enjoy Monograming/Embroidery projects "on the side".

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yeah - He's finally 10!!!!!

I've been kidding and telling Trey - "I'll be glad when you're old enough to cut the grass - What do you think I had you for anyway?" haha. Well that day has finally come. We have Papa's zero turn Snapper at our house (his spare) and Charlie has been scared to death for him to get on it so I told Trey one day when we could just "play" I'd let him on it. So yesterday I trimmed everything with the push mower and had the back yard ready for him when he got out of school - He got on that big mower and was like a pro!!! He went all over that yard - backwards and forwards and never missed a beat.

Yeah Trey!!!!! A few more practices and maybe I'll let you in the front yard with all my flowers and shrubs! - or maybe next summer.....