About Me

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I am a Christian wife and mother. I work outside the home full time but enjoy Monograming/Embroidery projects "on the side".

Monday, January 26, 2009

Strong Wheels

Today is the official "1st" day of Brownsville's Biggest Looser Competition. Sponsered by the Hospital and the YMCA. There were so many people that have joined this competition I think even the "officials" were supprised. I am so proud to be a part of this and I think it is a HUGE step for Brownsville. The most important part of it for me is that Ashleigh and I are doing this together. Not only have I let myself go for a long time - my daughter is following in my footsteps and that breaks my heart into! I want to be such a positive role model for her and I have really let her down in this area. I pray that this will bring us closer as well as making us both healthier.
Joining us to make up our team of 4 is my lifelong friend Lisa Winchester Johnson and also Gail Carver. We are gonna be the best. I am so pumped I can hardly sleep.
Please pray that this will be a life change for all of us! I want us to all be around for a long time to enjoy our children.