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I am a Christian wife and mother. I work outside the home full time but enjoy Monograming/Embroidery projects "on the side".

Sunday, December 9, 2007

"Happy Birthday Jesus"

After church tonight we all went to the gymnasium to enjoy a pizza fellowship and afterward we had a Birthday Party for JESUS. Bro. Steve had ordered a really special birthday cake. The oustide was beautiful white covered in crystals- This represented the "purity" of JESUS. The inside consisted of three layers. Brown, Red and Green. The brown layer represented us as "dirty sinners". The red layer represented the "blood" of Jesus. And the green layer represented the "newness" that we can be as believers in Jesus. Thank you Bro. Steve for sharing this representation with us all and encouraging us to be New in Jesus.

Happy Birthday Jesus, Happy Birthday to you!!!!

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